I embarked on my journey as an Art Director at MTV, delving into diverse realms. I collaborated with visual communication design studios and freelanced for years, immersing myself in both 2D and 3D projects. After a stint in Berlin, I recently transitioned from my role as Creative Lead in a studio to pursue freelancing. My focus now lies in specializing in 2D, particularly in visual development, character design, concept art, storyboarding, and illustration-based Animation/Motion Design projects. Feel free to reach out to discover more. and learn more about what I can bring to the table and who I am.


I embarked on my journey as an Art Director at MTV, delving into diverse realms. I collaborated with visual communication design studios and freelanced for years, immersing myself in both 2D and 3D projects. After a stint in Berlin, I recently transitioned from my role as Creative Lead in a studio to pursue freelancing. My focus now lies in specializing in 2D, particularly in visual development, character design, concept art, storyboarding, and illustration-based Animation/Motion Design projects. Feel free to reach out to discover more. and learn more about what I can bring to the table and who I am.

Thank you!
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